A Stone's Throw Reality
Philosophy Made Difficult

What is Beauty?

Every person has many questions in life. These questions are always personal and vital in each one’s personality.

When I was younger, I had one question that made me think a lot. Only lately the answer dawned on me and made me understand a little bit and I would like to share it with you.

The question was this; what is beauty? If I were to ask you, what is beauty; your respond may vary from one answer to another. The reason for this sums up in the saying from an unknown author that say: “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. We all know this saying but let us take a closer look at beauty if it fits into what we understand of it.

In today’s world, a lot of people use advance technologies no matter what to get a look they want. Plastic surgery and the like have become trends in changing our look. Can you think of some examples? Well, while we have the freedom to do so, it remains a mystery why some people would love these things. Why would people want to undergo plastic surgery? Perhaps they feel that they don’t look beautiful. But the question remains, how do they know they that don’t look beautiful?

Maybe the best question to ask is this: what is the criterion of beauty? One thing that we have to know that in order to know what is beautiful is to experience it. With this, I’ll give you two types of beauty: 1. The Physical beauty, 2. The Metaphysical beauty. If we look around us, we see the beauty of creation. We see trees, grasses, animals, landscapes, the beautiful Grand Canyon, and the breathtaking beauty of the Niagara Falls, the people and so on and so forth. We look at these things and we can enumerate and name them. Likewise, we look at other people and say, you are beautiful whether one has undergone surgery or not. These are physical beauties and our experience this beauty is a mere informative one which does not change us or affects us personally. The metaphysical beauty on the other hand is the experience of beauty that not only informs us but transforms us.

In our personal life, we also experience things that are instrumental for change. When a person is honest and true to us, we learn from that person and we want to do the same to others. When we experience justice, we realize that it is good and we want also render justice to others. When we experience a person with pure and sincere heart, we admire that person and we desire to be one also. When we experience being loved, we learn to love others as well. When we know somebody who is gracious, we want to be gracious also. We have that desire in our hearts to respond to these things that enables us to change because that’s our natural law. Our experience should be metaphysical so that beauty can transform us.

This is the beauty that is very important and we tend to set it aside because of today’s noise and distractions around us. The multi-media culture and the like keep us busy and tend to forget that we need to pay attention to the beauty we are experiencing in our ordinary lives. We listen to all kinds of music. IPods, Mp3s, television and other multi media things restrict us from going into our deep self.

There is an immediate need for everybody here and that is to “stop, look and listen” to one’s self and vital needs. We need to experience beauty over and over again so that its transformative power can lift us up higher than where we normally are. At the last hour, we will be looking back to our past and say, it was beautiful.


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